Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

honey face mask is good for

honey face mask is good for Benefits of Honey for Eliminating Acne Problems
For facial acne, apply honey on the pimply face and leave for half an hour and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat these steps until the acne gradually disappeared.

Benefits of Honey for Dry Lips
If you have dry lips or chapped, honey is great for taking care of your lips. How to mix honey, olive oil, and cocoa butter and rub the mcampuran kebibir you gradually and regularly. The results of your lips will look moist and healthy.

Benefits of Honey for Health Hair
Honey is very good for health care for our hair, carantya take a teaspoon of honey and mix into a quart of warm water. Pour mixture of honey and water to hair that has been washed with shampoo to clean. The bottom line is that Honey is used as a hair mask and do not need to rinse to get the hair bright and shiny.

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